Rodrigo Arruda is a language obsessed visual artist and activist. Born and raised in São Paulo, Brazil, Rodrigo earned his BFA from Universidade de São Paulo and his MFA from the Program in Art at CalArts. He is currently investigating colonial relations between Brazil and the US through imagery of cattle, cannibalism, and the zombie, as well as intersections between sign language (Brazilian Sign Language and American Sign Language) and verbal, spoken languages (Portuguese, English, Spanish, and French). He has been part of exhibitions and festivals in the US, Brazil, and Europe in institutions such as the Los Angeles Latino International Film Festival, High as the Sky Foundation, Museu de Arte Contemporânea de São Paulo, Centro Cultural São Paulo, Museu do Estado do Pará, Oficina Cultural Oswald de Andrade, FFFriederich, Museu de Arte de Ribeirão Preto, SESC Ribeirão Preto, Ateliê 397, Galeria Sancovsky, OMA Galeria, e Prefeitura de Santo André.