Julie Shelton
Faculty, School of Theater
jshelton@calarts.edu |
Kristin Showalter
Faculty, School of Theater
kshowalter@calarts.edu |
661-253-7853 |
E123-O |
Keith Skretch
Faculty, School of Theater
Experience Design and Production
kskretch@calarts.edu |
Adam J. Smith
Faculty, School of Theater
asmith@calarts.edu |
661-253-7840 |
E109 |
Patrick Smith
Production Associate
School of Theater
psmith@calarts.edu |
661-253-7853 |
E301A |
Jeffrey Teeter
Faculty, School of Theater
jeffreyteeter@calarts.edu |
Rob Tokarz
Faculty, Applied Arts
rtokarz@calarts.edu |
661-253-7853 |
E123-O |
Kalean Ung
Faculty, Voice
kung@calarts.edu |
661-253-2739 |
E109 |
Bernard Van De Yacht
Faculty, School of Theater
bvandeyacht@calarts.edu |
Shay Wafer
Faculty, School of Theater
swafer@calarts.edu |
Hunter Wells
Costume Shop Manager
Faculty, School of Theater
hwells@calarts.edu |
Kathleen Wilhoite
Faculty, School of Theater
Acting for the Camera
kwilhoite@calarts.edu |
Terry Wolverton
Faculty, School of Theater
twolverton@calarts.edu |
661-253-7853 |
E123O |
Rui Xu
Faculty, School of Theater
rxu@calarts.edu |
E123R |
Julianne Zajac
Faculty, School of Theater
jzajac@calarts.edu |