
Name Email Phone Room
Ajay Kapur
Director, Music Technology: Interaction, Intelligence and Design (MTIID)
Associate Provost for Creative Technologies
akapur@calarts.edu 661-255-1050 x2544 B300
Aashish Khan
Faculty, School of Music
World Music Performance: North Indian Music
akhan@calarts.edu 661-253-7816 B243
Amy Knoles
Associate Dean for Enrollment Management and Special Projects
Larry Levine Chair in Contemporary Music
aknoles@calarts.edu 661-253-7816 A407
Larry Koonse
Faculty, School of Music
Jazz: Guitar
lkoonse@calarts.edu 661-255-1050 x2055 B212
Ulrich Krieger
Faculty, School of Music
Composition and Experimental Sound Practices
ukrieger@calarts.edu 661-253-7758 B222
Joe LaBarbera**
Music Faculty Emeritus
Yeko Ladzekpo-Cole
Faculty, School of Music
Co-Director, World Music Performance Specialization
yladzekpocole@calarts.edu 661-253-7816 B200
Thomas Leeb
Faculty, School of Music
InstrumentalArts: Guitar
thomasleeb@calarts.edu 661-253-7816 B322
Stephen Lehman
Faculty, School of Music
Performer-Composer, Jazz
slehman@calarts.edu 661-253-7816 B317
Mike Leisz
Faculty, School of Music
Music Technology: Interaction, Intelligence and Design (MTIID)
mleisz@calarts.edu 661-253-7816 B322
Matt LeVeque
Faculty, School of Music
DMA Lecturer, Performer-Composer
mleveque@calarts.edu 661-291-3416
Edwin Livingston
Faculty, School of Music
Marc Lowenstein
Faculty, School of Music
Experimental Pop
marc.lowenstein@calarts.edu 661-255-1050 x2065 B238
Lily Guarneros Maase
Faculty, School of Music
Experimental Pop
lmaase@calarts.edu 661-253-7816 Room: B322
Tisha Mabee-Goldstein
Faculty, School of Music
InstrumentalArts: Harpsichord, Piano and Organ
tmabee@calarts.edu 661-253-7816 B322
* Faculty Emeritus
Part-time Faculty