
Name Email Phone Room
Yasmin Khan Gibson
Assistant Dean, School of Art
Faculty, Program in Graphic Design
ygibson@calarts.edu 661-554-0900 A211D
Taehee Kim
Temporary Director, MacLab
Visiting Faculty, School of Art
Steven E. Lam
Dean, School of Art, The Kraus Family Endowed Chair
Faculty, School of Art
stevenlam@calarts.edu 661-222-2772 A211M
Thomas Lawson
Faculty, School of Art
Program in Art
tlawson@calarts.edu 661-222-2770 C209A
Dhyandra Lawson
Visiting Faculty, School of Art
Program in Photography and Media
Tom Leeser
Director, School of Art - Program in Art and Technology
Director, The Center for Integrated Media
tleeser@calarts.edu 661-291-3004 C108B
Kai-Luen Liang
Visiting Faculty, School of Art
Program in Art & Technology
Dongpu Ling
Faculty, School of Art
Art and Technology
AV Linton
Visiting Faculty, School of Art
Art Program
Sharon Lockhart
'23-'24 Program Director, School of Art
Program in Photography and Media
slockhart@calarts.edu 661-554-2643 A211A
Hailey Loman
Visiting Faculty, School of Art
Art & Technology Program
Clara López Menéndez
Co-Director, School of Art - Program in Art
Faculty, School of Art
clopezmenendez@calarts.edu 661-554-2667 C302B
John Mandel
Faculty, School of Art
Program in Art
jmandel@calarts.edu 661-253-7714 C302A
Armando Martinez-Celis
Visiting Faculty, School of Art
Program in Graphic Design
amartinezcelis@calarts.edu 661-200-6098
Taku Onoda
Associate Director, Photography and Media Facilities
Technical Faculty, School of Art
tonoda@calarts.edu 661-291-3058 E14
* Faculty Emeritus
Part-time Faculty