
Name Email Phone Room
Caryn Aono
Faculty, School of Art
Program in Graphic Design
caono@calarts.edu 661-554-0716 A112H
Scott Benzel
Faculty, School of Art
Program in Art and Technology
scottbenzel@calarts.edu 661-554-0888 C108B
Tom Bland
Assistant Dean, School of Art
Faculty, School of Art
tbland@calarts.edu 661-291-3403 A113B
Shari Bond
Director, Photography and Media Facilities
Technical Faculty, School of Art
sbond@calarts.edu 661-554-0719 E12
Kaucyila Brooke
Faculty, School of Art
Program in Photography & Media
kbrooke@calarts.edu 661-554-0791 A211B
Dan Bustillo
Faculty, School of Art
Integrated Media
Jo Ann Callis
Faculty, School of Art
Program in Photography and Media
jcallis@calarts.edu 661-554-2657 E114
Alexandria Carrion
Director, Super Shop
Technical Faculty, School of Art
acarrion@calarts.edu Office: 661-253-7756 / Shop: 661-253-7810 Super Shop
Evelyn Contreras
Director, Print and Media Lab
Technical Faculty, School of Art
econtreras@calarts.edu 661-253-7712 B100B
Laurita Cortese
Director, Ceramics Lab
Technical Faculty, School of Art
jlaurita@calarts.edu 661-554-0872 C109/Ceramics Lab
Harry Dodge
Faculty, School of Art
Program in Art
hdodge@calarts.edu 661-222-2764 A211A
Lecia Dole-Recio
Faculty, School of Art
Program in Art
ldolerecio@calarts.edu 661-554-2590 A211E
Mercedes Dorame
Faculty, School of Art
Program in Photography and Media
mdorame@calarts.edu 661-222-2719 C302C
Alexsa Durrans
Faculty, School of Art
Integrated Media
Judy Fiskin
Faculty, School of Art
Program in Photography and Media
jfiskin@calarts.edu 661-554-0694 A211G
* Faculty Emeritus
Part-time Faculty